Thursday, November 22, 2012

Your Dog and Dealing With Arthritis

Similar to aging humans, a common issue to beset elder canines and some younger dogs as well, is arthritis. Though it can be characterized by inflammations, swelling and stiffness in muscles and joints, the question, what is canine arthritis?
This progressively degenerative disease causes a severe loss in cartilage and can worsen over time as your dog's joints continue to deteriorate. The symptoms of arthritis can range from a very mild pain to extremely painful, primarily effecting the hips, this disease can also occur within the neck, shoulders, legs, and back. For many dogs, it can seriously impact their quality of life, making it especially difficult to climb stairs, run and exorcize, or just walk.
The dogs that have a higher risk of developing this disease are middle-aged to elderly dogs that have become or are inactive, overweight, or both. Many large dog breeds can me more prone to arthritis, including Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards. 90% of these breeds will typically show symptoms in older age.
Though much rarer, younger dogs can be afflicted by arthritis caused by abnormal bone or joint development, hip dsyplasia, varying diseases, injuries, stress, damaged muscle, tissue, or ligaments can cause joint instability in young canines and can lead to arthritis in later years.
The most obvious clue will be shown in the behavior of your companion. If they begin to slow down, doesn't want to walk or play as they normally do, they appear stiff, they begin limping, it could be more than old age. If you believed your dog could be suffering from this painful ailment, have your vet check them over. Your vet can perform tests to determine what the culprit may be.
Depending on the type of arthritis, there are a variety of anti-inflammatory medications that can control pain and inflammation. That said, it's important to have your veterinarian properly diagnose your dog's condition and provide appropriate medications and dosage levels. Do not medicate your dog on your own!
Natural and homeopathic treatments, alone or combined with medication, can be very effective in treating arthritis. Ask your veterinarian for advice and/or the name of a reputable practitioner.
Overweight/obese dogs typically suffer more severe symptoms because there's more stress on their joints, so an exercise and weight management program is critical. Although it seems counter-intuitive, low-impact exercise (like swimming and walking) helps maintain muscle strength and keeps joints lubricated. Your veterinarian can advise you of an appropriate weight management and exercise plan.
Home measures: Most dogs sleep 12 hours a day. Ease your pet's pain by adding extra fleece or blankets to her bed, and be sure to keep her bed away from windows and other drafty locations. If your dog has shoulder or neck pain, raise up her water and food dishes so she doesn't have to bend over.
Prevention trumps a cure
Preventing or minimizing arthritis in an older dog starts when she is young.
Keep her trim and know that ideal weight is based on breed, height and bone structure. Make sure she gets plenty of exercise to build bone and muscle.
Regular well-visit checkups will keep tabs on her weight and help to identify problems before they escalate.
Isaac Macalister is a frequent contributor for Hartz and has written many articles pertaining to cat and dog needs. Including anything from dog training to summer fun with your dog including tips on Hartz UltraGuard Flea Control.

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