Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Best Hunting Dogs

Prepare to experience some very intense brain-heat. The reason for that will come right-off-the-top, so you needn't scroll-down to the bottom for a major shock. For your viewing pleasure we present the top dogs to take into the woods with you when you're on-the-prey.
What makes a super hunting dog? A couple of things:
    • Its size and shape.
    • What the cur is hunting for.
    • What you expect the dog to do - retrieve, track or point.
    • Its training.
    • Where you are actually hunting.
Drum roll
With those points in mind, here's what you're looking at from a breed standpoint when picking a great hunting dog.
   • Not many people would ever think that the lowly - literally - wiener dog would be the first choice as a hunting cur. The reason that the dachshund makes the list is because of its stubbiness. Mind you, if elephant-hunting were legal, this long-shot would not be the dog du jour. But smaller game is right up this dog's alley. Why? They fear not and they can get into just about anywhere in the rough.
   • Hitting the trail in search of the wily fox you'd want to equip yourself with the equally devious fox terrier. Just look at the mutt's name. Their dogged determination to ferret-out the small creatures paired with its long legs for the chase make this 15-inch pup a keen choice.
   • For those seeking a dog with smarts, consider a Spanish water dog. The key word here is water. Because of this animal's coat, it can tangle-up in the thickets. This buddy, because of its intellect is very easy to train.
   • English beagles appear to be friendly. They are, but they're also born to hunt. Don't expect an easy row when training as the flop-eared fellow has a strong streak of stubbornness.
   • Another English canine is the springer spaniel. Consider this best friend if you're looking for one of the top dogs in the breed of hunters. Known for their value of rooting-out birds for you to attack, they're also gentle with the prey that's been felled by you.
   • The Brittany spaniel is yet another highly intelligent dog which doesn't give-up easily. Hunters who focus on woodcock, pheasant, grouse and quail generally adopt these mutts.
  • Possums and raccoons, meet your match. The coonhound keeps their nose to the grindstone, and is not skittish in either cold or hot climates. They're even known to chase-down deer and other big game. Coonhounds get their stars from the marriage of fox hounds and blood hounds.
  • Speaking of wedded bliss, the English setter comes from the combination of pointers and setters. They not only make excellent gun dogs. As a result of their friendliness, they're terrific with kids, being eager to become part of your family.
  • Being both bird dogs and large animal trackers, the German shorthaired pointer is a cinch to train in two different worlds. We're talking large dog here. Some can shoot-up to a weight of 70-pounds. If there was an Olympic sport that included hunting dogs, this one would always get the silver, occasionally winning the gold for its master.
  • But the Labrador retriever rarely settles for second place. The lab is the gold standard. Smart, extremely water resistant and the giant of the group above, this dog weighs in between 60-to-80 pounds. Adopting a retriever with these genes means you're getting the best of breed for all your hunting needs.
Jake Theron is an avid dog trainer and hunter who loves to give people his wisdom. He tends to spend most of his time nowadays either training his companions or fulfilling his need to spread his knowledge by writing for dog training supplies.

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