Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How To Cure Bad Breath In Dogs

It has happened to most dog owners. There you are sitting on the floor minding your own business. You are not bothering anyone. Then you are aromatically assaulted by a horrific smell. You slowly turn your head to obtain a clear view of the source. That source ends up being 70 pounds of pure hound breathing in your face. Sure, you love that four legged thing. The fact is that there is only so much your nose can stand.
What causes bad breath in dogs?
There is a tremendously dynamic range of possibilities for the causes of the bad breath our dogs can have. It can be cause by gastrointestinal organs, gum disease, and/or in the respiratory system. Keep in mind that sometimes that bad breath can be a sign of a much more serious health issue. Your Vet will always be the best place to start especially if your dog seems to have a chronic case of bad breath.
The fact remains that your dogs assault on the aromatic quality of your home could just be from diet. After checking with your Vet to be sure there is not a major health issue with your pet, it may be time to make some other adjustments in your dogs diet. Paying attention to these three things will help insure that your dog is healthier and smells their best.
Do not buy the cheap stuff
What kind of food are you feeding your dog? In today's economy we are always tempted to save a dime, or a dollar, any way we can. In regard to dog food it is best to spend an extra couple of bucks to upgrade the food we are feeding them. All dog foods are NOT created equal. Making a dog food choice based on the lowest price is a choice that says we do not really care what our dogs eat. There is a reason why that food costs so little. It is because the ingredients in that food are of the lowest quality and nutritional value. In some cases even cause an allergic reaction. Just spending a couple more dollars will assure that your dog is going to be in much better health.
Stay consistent
Pick a dog food that is within your budget and stick with it. Sure, dogs have been known to eat some really disgusting things. The fact is that they need a consistent diet. Switching dog foods each week can be a shock to their digestive systems. So, pick the healthiest food you can afford and stick with it. If you do make a change, make a change that you can stick with for a few months at least.
Use a simple and organic supplement
Organic is always going to be the choice for my dog. It is affordable as well. In fact, my wife will actually make her own all natural dog food. It is very healthy, cheap to make, and they love it. That will be another article though. What I do recommend is an organic rinse that will help your dog to smell their best. It will also help soften the build up that gets on their teeth so that they stay cleaner longer. Not to mention that it can help reduce the number of times that you need to have your dogs teeth cleaned. The organic product we recommend is below this article. It is highly rated by those who have used it.
Remember that bad breath can be a sign of some very serious internal issues with our dogs. See a Vet first. Then get that diet consistent and healthy. Loving paws deserve loving owners.
To keep bad breath away from my dog I use this Organic Rince
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7190535

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